Photo by Naguib Kerba
Our Story
It all began back in 1962, in the current Oxtongue Lake Community Centre, when a number of concerned property owners met with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Department of Highways and Public Works, to discuss the high water levels created by, what was then, the new cement bridge at the Oxtongue Lake Narrows. The Oxtongue Lake Association (OLA) was formalized thereafter and so began our lake’s commitment to community, and protection of our environment. Since the meeting in 1962, the Association has been successful in raising awareness of issues facing our community including infamous battles to protect and maintain Ragged Falls, keeping Charcoal plants away from the community, stopping amusement parks from being established , reaching consensus on the optimal water level for the lake, and retaining our historic Community Centre.
So to protect your investment, it is in your best interest to be part of the OLA. Everyone using Oxtongue Lake should be a member of the OLA, and feel an obligation to join. There is always strength in numbers and we can all benefit from the Association’s community voice and lake stewardship.
Read below for a list of all the benefits and what the OLA offers.
Not just for when it matters to you…
we need you to help us now so that we can help you later
Prominent Issues the OLA has fought and WON!
Ensuring that Ragged Falls remain publicly accessible (1969)
Stopping a charcoal plant along the Oxtongue River by Ragged Falls (1972)
Preventing a theme park and railway on Oxtongue Lake (1988/9)
Keeping our community centre open (2008)

Photo by unknown source
Types of Membership
There is always strength in numbers and we all benefit from the Association’s community voice and lake stewardship. This means we encourage everyone to sign up to something!
Best way to Protect, Promote and Preserve!- A Voting Right for the direction of the OLA
- Stay Informed with quarterly E-blasts and E-lerts
- Attend Events
- Access to interactive web areas such as pictures, spotlights and forums not available to general public
- Discounts to Cottage Life Magazine, some insurance companies and Superior Propane
- Best ability to help you with your needs around the lake, including Cottage Watch
- Not tied to property ownership
- All encouraged, and ideally suited for all property owners with each generation of families within a cottage being their own member
Family/Spousal Member
Included with Membership- No voting rights, but can be an automatic proxy for the voting member
- Stay Informed with quarterly E-blasts and E-lerts
- Attend Events
- Access to interactive web areas such as pictures, spotlights and forums not available to general public
- No Discounts
- Some ability to help you with your needs around the lake
- Not tied to property ownership
- Best suited for spouses and those under the age of 30. Any family member of any age welcome, but we strongly encourage them to be Members on their own.
Paypal accounts encouraged, but credit cards and cash/cheque readily accepted.
Benefits of Membership
Many people feel that anyone using Oxtongue Lake should be a member of the OLA, and should have a community obligation to join.
We are advocates
Having a collective voice for advocacy at the municipal township local government level, has resulted in many of the Community’s concerns being addressed including: the dump, community centre, road maintenance and snowplowing.
Keeping current with cottage country related issues, and a broader collective voice at all levels of government through our paid membership in the Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association (FOCA).
Supporting local initiatives such as Oxtongue Lake for Arts and Culture (OLAC) and Oxtongue Lake Facts & Fables.
We provide a central point
Having a point of contact to pose your questions and use as a resource.
A central point of communication with other interest groups in the area that benefit us, including, but not limited to our Volunteer Fire Department, Oxtongue Lake Business Association, Algonquin Snowmobile Club.
Discounted rates with some insurance companies, cottage life, Boatsmart etc. through our paid membership in FOCA.
We have fun!
Coordinating the annual sponsored Regatta that is enjoyed by all.
Supporting the Canada Day event.
Supporting Movie Nights and other fun events.
Providing opportunities to get to know our neighbours and encouraging a sense of community.
We protect
Protecting our natural environment so that future generations will be able to enjoy our beautiful lakeside community.
Monitoring our dam.
Installing navigation buoys marking underwater hazards.
Maintaining an active Cottage Watch Program.
We communicate
Keeping you up to date on political, community, safety and environmental issues, through communications such as AGM, website, newsletters, E-blasts.
Frequently Asked Questions
Press the plus sign to find the answers!
Do I need to have a cottage/home on the lake to become a Member?
Absolutely not! We hope that everyone realizes that there is benefit to contributing to the Oxtongue Community. Even as a resort goer or cottage guest, you come and enjoy the personal aspects of Oxtongue and have a vested interest in preserving our community. It keeps you up-to-date on all that is going on in our community and allows us to know you are there with us in spirit.
What prominent Issues has the OLA fought and won?
While the OLA has dealt with many, many issues since it’s inception in 1962, some of the more prominent, successful issues have been:
- Ensuring that Ragged Falls remain publicly accessible (1969)
- Stopping a charcoal plant from developing along the Oxtongue River by Ragged Falls (1972)
- Preventing the building of a theme park and railway on Oxtongue Lake (1988/89)
- Keeping our community centre open (2008)
Why should I sign up to be a Member?
The benefits are numerous. The stronger our community voice is, the better chance we have of protecting Oxtongue Lake. Being a member ensures that not only are we financially stable, but also that we hear your voice through votes. Waiting until an issue is important to you defeats the purpose of having a committed community – we really do need you by our side the whole time so that we in turn, can be by your side too. Without the OLA, you may now be looking at a charcoal plant, or an amusement park, and not be able to visit Ragged Falls, all issues that have been successfully fought and won by OLA. We also believe fun can strengthen bonds for all ages and lay the groundwork for both current and future generations to protect our community. We hope you will take the time to read more in-depth about the OLA and all that it does and is, and that you will see it benefits your personal enjoyment and property and that membership is an investment in the future of Oxtongue. Read More about the benefits here.
We have two cottages, does each cottage become a Member?
We hope that each family at each cottage chooses to become a member. While we keep track of each lot, Membership is not tied to cottages but by the people occupying them.
We have multiple generations sharing the same cottage, do we all become Members?
Yes we hope that each generation becomes a member and pays the membership fee. Membership is driven by the people occupying the cottages and not by the cottages themselves. For anyone that does not decide to become a member we really encourage them to become a “Family Member”. Being a “Family Member” keeps everyone up-to-date on the events and issues facing the OLA and let’s us know that you are there in spirit.
We are husband and wife - do we both sign up?
One of you can determine to be the member and the other the Family Member, but we encourage both of you to sign up. This will ensure that you are both kept informed.
I don't feel comfortable giving money over the internet.
We understand. We utilize Shopify which is a well established, reputable company to deal with payments but if you still don’t feel comfortable the best solution is to select one of the other non-online options at checkout and then when we receive your cheque we will approve your status as a member. A cheque can be mailed to Oxtongue Lake Association, RR#1 Dwight, ON, P0A 1H0.
How do I get reminded next year?
On the anniversary date of your personal registration (if it was done manually the date we received payment and updated your status) you will receive email reminders to renew your account. You will make a payment online (or mail in manually) and your account will be active for another year. No forms will be required to fill out again (but we hope you are updating your profile information anytime changes).
I am very timid about the internet generally
We know there are some of you out there that still may not have your own internet or are leery (and may not even find this question). We encourage you to try and our best solution is to reach out to us at or someone else you know to help. If you are reading this and know of someone that will need help, please offer your assistance.
We are here to answer any questions you have, give you a tutorial and fill out your form for you. We also have some printable forms for you. Contact us at and we will help help you!
What Our Members and Boosters Are Saying
Don’t just take it from us, let our fellow members do the talking!
“I have been on this lake for almost fifty years and am member of the Oxtongue Lake Association. I firmly believe that having a strong association is one of the most important things to building community spirit and protecting Oxtongue Lake for the present and future generations.”
“I think it is important to be a Booster because then I know when all the fun events are. I also get the updates on what is going on around the lake when I’m not at the cottage.”
The OLA gives the people of Oxtongue Lake a reason to gather and pull together for the common goal of making The Oxtongue Lake Community a better place for all. It also provides an opportunity for new and existing local residents and cottagers to meet and renew old friendships. Sometimes it is the only time people get to see one another. Our family has supported the OLA for many years and considers it a privilege to be a member of this association. I commend everyone who has worked so hard for this community over the many years.
What are you waiting for?
Still unsure? You can always email any of the current directors directly or