We welcome with open arms the future President of the Oxtongue Lake Ratepayers Association!
born November 19, 2009
5 lbs 8 oz
Mom writes:
“Julian was born November 19th in Kansas and weighed in at 5 lbs 8 oz. He was originally due on my 40th b-day (Dec 11th) but came 3-1/2 weeks early. Little trickster. On day one of his life Malcolm was already talking about fishing with him at the lake. Never too early for the boys to talk about fishing. We arrived home on December 1st all healthy safe and sound from our 2 week adoption journey. We were chosen to adopt him out of 10 couples and his birth parents wanted him to be raised in Canada.”
(additional Oxtongue photographs by Liz Margarucci)
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