During the meeting today I mentioned to Mike Cavanaugh that theĀ Fire sign at our end of Oxtongue Lake road was damaged/vandalised and needed to be replaced. Apparently I mentioned that it was on my property when in actual fact it is in front of Woodfields’ property. I was just trying to get across the location of the sign so it could be fixed.
I, in no way, meant to imply that where it is located is my property. Mr. & Mrs. Woodfield request that I do not tell members of the community, or anyone that was at that meeting, or anyone elseĀ that their property is part of my property—which was not my intent. AS mentioned I was just trying to get across the location of the sign so it could be repaired or replaced.
I have also asked that the minutes of the meeting be clear on the location of the sign and correct my error.
Thank you.
Jenny McGuire–White Birches Cottages.