Hello Lake Friends,
By now you’ve likely learned that earlier today, the four Fire Chiefs in Haliburton County declared a Total Fire Ban on all open air fires within Haliburton County. This has been done in consultation with the MNRF.
No open air fires of any type or fireworks are permitted during the Fire Ban. Failure to comply with the Fire Ban will could result in a fine of up to $50,000 and/or a year in jail. You will also be invoiced for Fire Department Services – in Algonquin Highlands that’s $450 per fire truck.
Please share this information and encourage our neighbours, visitors and renters to abide by this ban. If someone has a bonfire or lets off fireworks, call 911.
For more information, please contact Algonquin Highlands Fire Chief Mike Cavanagh at 705-766-0010.
Please post this info on your lake association website and feel free to remain in touch so we can stay safe
Thank you.